Info Centre

সতীশচন্দ্র মিত্র তথ্যকেন্দ্র
Satishchandra Mitra Information Centre (SMIC)
CLEAN has established Satish Chandra Mitra Information Center (SMIC) to create an opportunity for the students and researchers to enhance their knowledge on mangroves and other related issues. It also serves to create a knowledge-based network among the environmental researchers and activists towards conserving natural resources of Bangladesh.

The SMIC has a good number of reference books, booklets, research reports, dictionaries, encyclopedia, atlas, glossary, photographs, scientific equipment like microscopes, magnifying lenses and specimen of mangrove species like leaves and fruits. The SMIC has also a number of resources on other sectors of development. The number of knowledge resources are growing every day. If you want to see our book list, please click on the list bellow:

Membership of SMIC

Any interested person can be a member of Satish Chandra Mitra Information Center (SMIC) with a minimum Registration Fee and monthly Subscription Charge.

Registration fees for Bangladeshi Member is BDT 1,000.00 while it is BDT 2,000.00 for International Members. Bangladeshi Students can be a member by paying BDT 500.00 as registration fee. The subscription fee for SMIC Members are only BDT 20.00 per month.

Working Hours

The SMIC is open from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM from Saturday to Thursday and 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday.

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